LBS Centre for Science & Technology has announced recruitment notification for the post of State Eligibility Test, eligible candidates can submit their application before 30-01-2020.
Eligibility Criteria
- Those who have acquired a Master's Degree in the subjects concerned with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade and B.Ed. degree in any discipline from any one of the universities in Kerala or have acquired these qualifications from any other university recognized as equivalent thereto are eligible to apply for the SET Feb - 2020 with certain exceptions as mentioned in the following paragraphs.
- For Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology, those having MSc.Ed Degree in the subjects concerned with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade from any one of the Regional Institutes of Education sponsored by the NCERT is eligible to apply. For Botany and Zoology, those having M.Sc.Ed Degree in Life Science (with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade) from any one of the Regional Institutes of Education are also eligible.
- For the subjects, Commerce, French, German, Geology, Home Science, Journalism, Latin, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Russian, Social Work, Sociology, Statistics, and Syriac candidates need not acquire B.Ed. Degree for applying for the State Eligibility Test.
- Those who have acquired II class Master’s Degree in Communicative English with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade and BEd. are eligible to appear for SET in English.
Fee's Details (non-refundable)Rs.500/- for the next year and an additional amount of Rs.250/- for each subsequent year, thereafter. The fee shall be paid as Demand Draft drawn from a Nationalized Bank in favor of the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
Selection ProcedureThere shall be two papers for the SET - Feb 2020
- Paper I:- It is common for all candidates. It consists of two parts, Part (A) General Knowledge and Part (B) Aptitude in Teaching.
- Paper-II:- It shall be a test based on the subject of specialization of the candidate at the Post Graduate (PG) Level.
- There shall be 31 subjects for Paper-II of the Kerala SET Feb-2020.
- The minimum requirements for a pass in the State Eligibility Test shall be as follows:-

Important DatesOpening date for Online registration of application:-
31st December 2019Last date for Online registration of application:-
30th January 2020