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Eastern Air Command Recruitment 2019, Vacancies for Group-C posts


Group C Vacancies in Eastern Air Command

Eastern Air Command has announced recruitment notification for the post of Group C, eligible candidates can submit their application before 29-05-2019.
Eastern Air Command Other Details
Designation Group C
Education 10TH,ITI
Total Vacancies 1
Salary Rs 5,200-20,200 + 1,900/- GP
Date Added 29-04-2019
Last date to Apply 29-05-2019
Age 18-25 Years

How to Apply

1. Application is to be forwarded only through ordinary post. Applications sent through Registered Post/ Speed Post/ Courier etc will not be accepted and liable to be rejected.

2. Application as per format is given under may be typed in English (pasted with recent passport size photograph duly attested by self) and duly filled along with the photocopies of the following supporting documents, duly self-attested may be sent to
Stn Cdr,
Air Force Station,
Digaru Assam.
  1. Proof of date of birth.
  2. Educational qualification certificate.
  3. Possessing of ITI Certificate
  4. Any other documents as required.
  5. One Self addressed envelope with stamp(s) of Rs.5/-. (Self-address should be typed or neatly handwritten in English/ Hindi)
  6. Applicants should prominently annotate his/her contact number (mobile or landline) on the application.
  7. Original certificates are NOT (R) NOT to be sent. IAF is not responsible for any loss of documents/certificates in due course.
3. Applicant to mentioned clearly on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ____________ AND CATEGORY __________”.

Eastern Air Command


Shillong, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, India

Official Website:

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