CISF has announced recruitment notification for the post of Constable, eligible candidates can submit their application before 15-03-2021.
Applications are invited from Indian citizens who have retired from the Indian Army for engagement in Central Industrial Security Force in the rank of SI(Exe.), ASI(Exe.), Head Constable/GD, and Constable/GD on Contractual Basis. The engagement would be contractual and the appointee shall be engaged for a period of 1 year initially which may be renewed on year to year basis for 2 more years.
The renewal of the contract will be subject to satisfactory performance of the person and functional requirement of the department. It is proposed to engage 2000 ex-Army personnel not below the equivalent rank at the time of their retirement from the Army and is below the age of 50 years on the date of publication of this Notification:
Eligibility Criteria - CISF Recruitment 2021
How To Apply - CISF Recruitment 2021
The application on the Proforma as per Annexure should be filled and sent to the concerned application receiving authorities prescribed below alongwith the self-attested copies of following documents through E-Mail only duly endorsed in capital letters “APPLICATION FOR ENGAGEMENT OF ExARMY PERSONNEL ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS IN CISF” as the subject of the said e-mail.
(A) Attachment - 1
- Filled in the application form. (in PDF Format)
(B) Attachment - 2 (a to g in single PDF)
- Pension Payment Order (PPO)
- Date of Birth Certificate
- Service/ Discharge Certificate
- Certificate of Educational Qualification
- Copy of identification card issued by the Indian Army on retirement
- Medical Fitness certificate by any Government Doctor.
- Filled-in Questionnaire Form as per Annexure "II".
(C) Attachment - 3
- 1 recent passport size color photograph. (in JPEG Format and size between 50- 100 KB)
Note:- Attachments 1 & 2 in PDF format should not be more than 25 MB and attachment 3 should be in JPEG format and size between 50 to 100 KB.
The candidates can give up to three preferences from the locations advertised (where candidates would like to render service after selection) and as far as practicable, the preferred location will be allotted upon selection. He should opt for up to three choices from among the advertised locations where he is interested to join in the event of his selection. It is not necessary to fill up all the 3 preferences. He may fill only those units where he is willing to serve. His candidature will not be considered for any other unit over and above options exercised by him. If he is interested in only one choice then he should fill only one choice and so on.
The application for contractual appointment will be addressed to the Sector IG of the Controlling Sector for the unit given as the 1st preference by the candidate. For example, if a candidate gives his 1st, 2nd and 3rd preference to CISF Unit SECL Bilaspur, CISF Unit ATPP Anpara, and CISF Unit OTHPP Obra respectively, he will address his application to IG Central Sector, Bhilai since his 1st preference unit SECL Bilaspur falls under IG (CS) Bhilai.