Home Current Affair May 2018 Modi government rejects US medical request for cheap medical equipment

Modi government rejects US medical request for cheap medical equipment

India has said twice to the US that in case of medical devices. India cannot accept US request. The Modi government has made huge cuts in prices of many expensive medical types of equipment. The United States had requested that more and more equipment should not be included in the list of price reduction list. But India responded by saying that it can not stop its move in this matter.
The government had made a huge reduction in the price of expensive medical devices such as Heart Stent, Knee Implant and fixed their prices so that the common man could afford it. Because of this, the price of high-level heart stent had come down from around Rs 2 lakh to around Rs 30 thousand. This has severely affected many US companies' businesses.

- Attorney general of US: Jefferson Sessions (R)
- President of US: Donald Trump
- The population of US: 32.57 crores (2017)

Published On : 02 May 2018

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