Home Current Affair June 2018 Without any Support, A man Climbed on the 75th Floor of a Skyscraper

Without any Support, A man Climbed on the 75th Floor of a Skyscraper

The French 'freeklimer' Alain Robert's dream of climbing the world's 5th tallest building remained incomplete, but he climbed to the 75th floor of a skyscraper. Security guards stopped them after reaching the 75th floor of Lot's World Tower. In this have 123 floors.

Mountaineers and climbing people arrange for safety devices, but the 'freeklimer' climbs like a movie character without any help, that same as a Spiderman.

He is also known as the French Spiderman, Robert is a 55-year-old and started climbing on the building without any ropes and accessories. But the staff of the building followed them from inside. He had climbed 75 floors of the building. After this, he was taken to the roof through the equipment of the building maintenance. Finally, they decided to stop the climb.

Published On : 07 Jun 2018

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