Home Current Affair July 2020 National Doctor's Day celebrated on 1st July across India

National Doctor's Day celebrated on 1st July across India

  • Every year on 1st July National Doctor's Day is celebrated throughout the country to recognize the contributions of physicians, doctors to humanity. This day may vary from country to country, which is depending on the event of commemoration used to mark the day.
    In Australia - 30th March.
    In Kuwait - 3rd March.
    In Canada - 1st May.
    In Cuba - 3rd December.
    In Iran - 23rd August.
    In Malaysia - 10th October.
    In Turkey - 14th March.
    In the United States - 30th March.
    In Vietnam - 28th February.
    In Nepal - 4th March.
  • The theme for the 2020 National Doctor's Day is 'Lessen the mortality of COVID 19'.
  • History,
    - In India, this day marks the birth & death anniversary of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, who was the most renowned Indian physician and former Chief Minister of West Bengal.
    - The first Doctor's Day was observed on 28th March 1933 in Winder, Georgia.

Published On : 01 Jul 2020

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