Home Current Affair December 2020 International UNICEF Day celebrated on 11th December Every year

International UNICEF Day celebrated on 11th December Every year

  • Every year on 11th December International UNICEF Day is celebrated throughout the globe. The purpose of this day is to protect the rights of every child everywhere and works in the toughest places in the world to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents.
  • History,
    - The UNGA created this day on 11th December 1946, as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund to improve the health, nutrition, education, and general welfare of children devastated due to World War II.
    - After-that, UNICEF’s name was later on changed from United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF's) to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNCF).

Published On : 11 Dec 2020

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