Home Current Affair April 2018 Briefing for Competitive Quiz 24th April 2018

Briefing for Competitive Quiz 24th April 2018

1. The Government of India will release a special memory coin of 350 rupees on the occasion of 350th birth anniversary of Guru Govind Singh. This coin will contain 50 percent silver, 40 percent copper and 5-5 percent nickel and zinc.
2. Win Myint has been appointed as President of Myanmar. Currently Win Myint is employed as the Vice President of Myanmar.
3. Former BCCI chairman Anurag Thakur has been appointed as president of the Himachal Hockey Federation. Anurag Thakur is currently working on the post of secretary of Hockey Federation.
4. Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli's wax statue will be put in the Tuasad Museum. The effigy of Sachin Tendulkar and Kapil Dev, who is called Lord of Cricket in the Tusad Museum, is already engaged.
5. James Web is the world's most powerful space telescope. It is 100 times stronger than the Hubble telescope sent in the 1990's. It can detect those glaxy, meteoroids, planets, which were made during the early period of the universe. This can reveal many mysteries of the universe. The presence of aliens can also be detected. It is so central that it can record the velvety and its echo flying over the distance of the Moon. It will be installed in space from French Guyana through Rocket-5.
6. Aanandi Gopal Joshi was India's first female doctor. She was remembered as a symbol of encouragement for education of women. Aanandi was the first Indian woman, who had a degree in Alopathy Medicine. Recently Google has made a doodle and paid tribute to Joshi.
7. R.K. Dorainendra Singh was former Chief Minister of Manipur. He had served himself as Manipur Chief Minister four times. R.K. Dorainendra Singh Manipur had been the President of Manipur assembly before becoming Chief Minister. He has passed away recently.
8. The Apple Company was founded on 1 April 1976 by Steve Jobs and his colleagues. In 2007, the company was renamed Apple Inc.

Published On : 24 Apr 2018

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