Home Current Affair June 2020 World Hydrography Day celebrated on 21st June Each year

World Hydrography Day celebrated on 21st June Each year

  • Each year on 21st June World Hydrography Day is celebrated throughout the globe to publicize the work of hydrographers and the importance of hydrography. The theme for the 2020 World Hydrography Day is 'Hydrography Enabling Autonomous Technologies'.
  • Origin,
    - The World Hydrography Day was adopted in 2005 by the International Hydrographic Organization, which was 'welcomed' by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in Resolution A/RES/60/30 Oceans and the law of the sea.
  • Objective,
    - The objective of this day is to giving suitable publicity to its work at all levels and of increasing the coverage of hydrographic information on a global basis.
  • International Hydrographic Organization,
    - The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) is an intergovernmental organization representing hydrography, which was founded in 21st June 1921. At Present, the Secretary-General of the International Hydrographic Organization is Dr. Mathias Jonas.

Published On : 20 Jun 2020

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