Home Current Affair June 2018 Despite US Sanctions, India will Move ahead with S-400 Deal with Russia

Despite US Sanctions, India will Move ahead with S-400 Deal with Russia

In spite of US sanctions on Russia, India has clearly stated that the India-Russian cooperation, which has stood the test of time in the defense sector, will continue and the S-400 Triangle Air Defense Missile System Deal for the Air Force will go forward.

India wants good relations with Russia and it's defense sector to be exempt from the stringent CAATSA law of US. India can raise this issue in a meeting with US officials next month in Washington.

Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, "In all our dialogues with the United States, we have clearly told how defense cooperation between India and Russia has been long and it has been a long-standing relationship. He said that the impact of CAATSA cannot be on the India-Russia defense cooperation. "He said that India buys a lot of defense assets from Russia and cooperation between the two countries will continue.

Published On : 06 Jun 2018

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