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by Rohit Thakur

Gujarat High Court Recruitment 2021: 63 Deputy Section Officer Posts - Apply Online

Deputy Section Officer Vacancies in Gujarat High Court

Gujarat High Court has announced recruitment notification for the post of Deputy Section Officer, eligible candidates can submit their application before 06-08-2021.
Gujarat High Court Other Details
Designation Deputy Section Officer
Education Any Graduate
Total Vacancies 63
Date Added 16-07-2021
Last date to Apply 06-08-2021
Age 18-35 Years

Eligibility Criteria [as on the Last Date for submitting Online Application i.e. 06/08/2021]

1. Essential Educational Qualification
  • Graduate from recognized University.
  • 10th or 12th Standard Examination passed with English as one of the Subjects.
  • Requisite Certificate with respect to Basic knowledge of Computer as prescribed by the State Government from time to time.
2. Age Limit
  • A Candidate applying to the said post, shall not be less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age, as on the last date of submitting an Online Application i.e. on 06/08/2021.

Scheme Of Examination

The Competitive Examination shall consist of:
  1. Elimination Test (Objective Type­ MCQs) - [100 Marks]
  2. Main Written Examination - [100 Marks]
A. Elimination Test (Objective Type­MCQs) [100 Marks] [to be conducted tentatively on 10/10/2021 (Sunday)]
(i) Question Paper of Elimination Test shall consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each of 1 Mark. For every wrong/ multiple answer, there shall be a Negative Marking of 0.33 Marks. The language of the Question Paper shall be English only. However, 25 Questions will be in Gujarati for the Section on the Gujarati Language. Duration of the Elimination Test shall be of 02 (Two) Hours. Syllabus of Elimination Test
  1. General Knowledge
  2. Indian History and Geography
  3. Sports
  4. Current Affairs
  5. Arithmetic/ Mathematics
  6. Analytical Reasoning
  7. Mental Ability
  8. Computer Knowledge
  9. English Language
  10. Gujarati Language
(ii) The Elimination Test will be conducted either at Ahmedabad or at any District place/ places as may be decided by the High Court, depending upon the number of candidates applying for the post and for which the Candidates will have to make their own arrangements, for taking the Examination.

(iii) Candidates belonging to Reserved Categories i.e. ST, SEBC, EWS, Differently Abled Person (PH) & EX­Servicemen shall have to secure a minimum of 45 Marks and all the other Candidates shall have to secure minimum of 50 Marks in the Elimination Test and only those qualifying therein shall be called for Main Written Examination.

(iv) Marks obtained in the Elimination Test (Objective Type­MCQs) will NOT be considered for determining the merits, for preparing the Final Merit List.

(v) The Elimination Test (Objective­Type­MCQ) shall be administered through an OMR Sheet and shall be evaluated by OMR Sheet Scanning Machine and therefore, re­evaluation, rechecking/ reassessment of OMR Sheets, will not be entertained by the High Court. Looking to the present scenario of COVID­19 pandemic, the High Court may conduct the Elimination Test in any other mode including Online Computer Based Examination.

B. Main Written Examination [100 Marks] : (to be conducted tentatively in the month of December­2021. (Duration: 03 Hours)
  1. The Main Written Examination will comprise of Two Parts viz.:
    (A) Part­A ­ General English [50 Marks]
    (B) Part­B ­ General Knowledge [50 Marks]
  2. The language of the Question Paper of the Main Written Examination shall be English. Answer to Questions in the Main Written Examination shall be given in the English Language. However, an Answer with respect to 'Translation' or otherwise required to be given in Gujarati, shall invariably be answered in the Gujarati Language.
  3. The Main Written Examination will be conducted either at Ahmedabad or at any District Place/ Places as may be decided by the High Court depending upon the number of Candidates, for which the Candidates will have to make their own arrangements, for taking the Examination.
  4. In case, a large number of candidates qualify in the Elimination Test/ Main Written Examination, it will be open for the High Court to restrict the number of Candidates as deemed necessary, according to Merit, for the Next Stage.
C. Preparation Of Select/ Wait List
  1. The Select List & Wait List shall be prepared on the basis of Aggregate Marks obtained by the Candidates in the Main Written Examination.
  2. For being eligible to be included in the Select List, Candidates shall have to obtain minimum 40% Marks in aggregate in the Main Written Examination.
  3. The High Court reserves the right to adopt the appropriate method of short­listing the Candidates at any stage.
  4. The Wait List would consist of not more than 20% of the Category­wise Candidates placed in the 'Select List' and shall be operated during the validity period of Select List/ Wait List.
  5. The Select List/ Wait List shall remain in force for a period of 02 (Two) years, from the date of its publication or until the publication of a fresh List(s), whichever is earlier. However, if the vacancies in a particular year are not substantially higher than the number of candidates remaining in the existing Select List / Wait List, the period of such Select List/ Wait List may be extended by the High Court not exceeding One year, so as to make appointment against such vacancies from the said Select List/ Wait List.
  6. Any Candidate who does not accept the offer of appointment within the time­limit shall lose his/her right to appointment and the High Court shall operate the Select List/ Wait List, as the case may be.
  7. The Select List & Wait List shall be published on the High Court website as well as on the 'HC­OJAS' website, and/or through any other mode, as may be decided by the High Court.

Disqualification For Appointment

  1. No person shall be eligible for an appointment to the service
  2. unless he/she is a citizen of India.
  3. if he/she is dismissed from service by Central Government or any State Government or U.Ts. or any High Court or Statutory or Local Authority.
  4. if he/she has been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude or who is or has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or the Union/ State Public Service Commission or by any Recruiting or Examination Conducting Authority from appearing in Competitive Examinations or Selections.
  5. if he/she directly or indirectly influences the Recruiting Authority by any means for his/her candidature.
  6. if he is a man, has more than one wife living. And, if a woman, has married a man already having another wife.
  7. if he/she may be found in possession of any electronic gadget(s) during any of the Examination/Tests.

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