Job refresher
by Rohit Thakur

BHU Research Associate Vacancies 2020: Post-Graduate pass are eligible to Apply

Research Associate Vacancies in BHU

BHU has announced recruitment notification for the post of Research Associate, eligible candidates can submit their application before 09-04-2020.
BHU Other Details
Designation Research Associate
Education M.Sc,MFA
Total Vacancies 1
Salary Rs 25,000/-
Date Added 21-03-2020
Last date to Apply 09-04-2020
Age 18-45 Years
BHU Research Associate Vacancies 2020: Banaras Hindu University (BHU) released a Job Notification for the Post of Research Associate (Purely Contractual for 11 months) in an ICSSR-IMPRESS-Indian Council for Social Science Research under Impactful Policy Research in Social Science Sponsored Project entitled REDESIGNING THE ADVERTISING METHODS IN DIGITAL MEDIA TO CURB ENVIRONMENTAL DETERIORATION" sanctioned up to 31st August 2021.
  1. The post is temporary and co-terminus with the project.
  2. The candidates should be Postgraduate in any stream of Science/ MFA in Applied Arts/ Masters in Advertising Media/ Journalism/ Management/ ICT-Information Communication Technology with a minimum of 55% of passing marks.
  3. The upper Age Limit is Years 45 years (relaxable for 5 years for SC/ ST/ Physically Handicapped/ Female candidates; (in case of non-research positions, the upper age limit may also be relaxed for the duration of earlier work in a project/scheme in B.H.U. subject to the University rules prevalent at that time). All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOI rules.
  4. Desirable qualifications, if any: NET/ GATE, Efficiency in Typing and Proficiency in computer.
How To Apply
Application on Plain paper giving Name, Permanent and Correspondence Address, Names of Father and Mother, Telephone No. and E-mail Address (if available), Details of Educational Career (starting from High School or equivalent) along with attested copies of all mark-sheets & certificates and details of any research or other experience, etc., if any, should reach on or before 6th Monday 2020 to
Dr. Manish Arora,
Project Director,
Department of Applied Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts.

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